Loving at the same time friendly strict

Laatst bijgewerkt: 5 maart 2025

Hi Family, My name is Chi. I am from The Netherlands (en ja ik spreek ook gewoon goed nederlands :) with 3 years of experience in dog-walking, house-sitting and assisting in rehabilitating dogs. Working with animals to me is Thankful work. The service I would like to offer is house sitting. This will ofcourse be included by dog-walks, feeding the animals, and giving them what they need as requested by you. At the moment I don’t have any of my own pets to bring along that you have to consider. In Amsterdam I have worked two years at a doggy day care ‘Vondel-Bark’. With an average amount of six dogs in our space. And I just came back from Thailand where I volunteered at a sanctuary for rescue dogs in a TNR-project where we looked after 22 dogs. I was responsible for cleaning of the cages, feeding the dogs, and feeding the puppies. And provide them a loving environment before sending them to a new home. Via a travel-platform I have worked at different jobs for house-sitting dogs and cats. When the owners were away I was present with the animals and doing the dog-walking. In the past I owned a dog, a rottweiler and a cat. Which of the latter I teached sit-up and give a paw, yes the cat : ) Also I owned a Pigeon and later a Parakeet. For me it is important to create a save space for the animals. I am someone who naturally connects with animals. And I will give them the attention they need, but at the same time in a brotherly way I can be strict and assertive when they cross the line. I work remotely so I most of my time I will be spending at home with the pets. Next to that I will ofcourse frequently send you pictures to let you know how your beloved furry friend is doing. I can watch over two dogs. Three if they are easy and well-mannered. For cats I don’t have a limit. A day with the pets would include two long walks of around 30 to 45 minutes. And a short one before bed-time. You are welcome to ask for a specific amount of time for the walks and or other special requests that you feel your pet needs. I am both a cat person and a dog person. Actually, I simply love animals and don't easily make a distinction ;) My availability is from 1st July 2025 untill 31st August 2025 I hope that I have been able to interest you in inviting me to meet. With Furry regards, Chi

1 juli 2025 - 1 september 2025
ReiskostenvergoedingAfhankelijk van afstand
OppasdierenKatten Honden Vogels Knaagdieren
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